Tag Archives: Interpreting

Retour problems

retour interpreting

In a previous post, Language combination and the retour debate in interpreting, we talked about what retour is and the debate related to it (you may want to have a look at it before reading this more specific post). Again, retour is the interpretation from the A language into a B language. Despite me personally having nothing against retour, in […]

In the head of bilinguals and interpreters: neurolinguistic aspects


A topic that has always captured my interest from a very young age is the neurolinguistic perspective of bilingualism and interpreting, in other words, how does our brain work in order to make such a “magic” possible? The person that, years ago, answered my question in the most complete way is Laura Gran (1999, 1992), interpreter […]

Gile’s Effort Models for interpreting

gile effort model

Are you acquainted with Daniel Gile’s Effort Models for interpreting? What do they mean in theory and imply in the daily practice? Keep reading if you’d like to find out. The Effort Models Daniel Gile proposed his Effort Models to help interpreters understand the “difficulties [of interpreting] and select appropriate strategies and tactics” (Gile, 1992: 191). […]

Clara Guelbenzu on the red carpet

Clara Guelbenzu

Welcome everyone to the fifth episode of the translation & interpreting “red carpet” series, featuring remarkable guests of the industry who kindly accepted to share with us their views on some common points. After having Valeria Aliperta and Marta Stelmaszak in the previous episodes, the guest of this week is the Spanish interpreter, Clara Guelbenzu. If […]

Please, stop speaking about “simultaneous translation”!

translation and interpreting

Translation and interpreting are two sides of the same coin, that of intercultural and multilingual communication. Yet, even if sharing some common aspects, they are not the same. The difference between the two of them can be graphically summarised with the following equation: translation     :     written     =      interpreting       :       oral In other words, the translator is the […]

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