My experience

I have been working as a freelance translator and interpreter since 2008, before in Italy and Germany and since 2013 in Spain.

In 2018 I founded the translation and interpreting company Specialized Translators, of which I am the manager and PM.

Among others, I have been glad to collaborate with the following clients:

clients 1clients 2

Former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder  *  Dr. Philip Kotler  *  Dr. Daniel Goleman  *  Simon Sinek  *  Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar  *  Dr. B.J. Fogg  *  Dr. Russell Buckley  *  Dr. Vijay Govindarajan  *  Juan Roig  *  Dr. Gianluigi Colalucci  *  Joe Dante  *  Mick Garris  *  Neil Marshall  *  Alessandra Amoroso  *  Oscar Farinetti

Main fields of work


Here you can have a quick view of my main fields of work, with information on my academic background and work experience related to each of them:



  • An Introduction to Marketing – Wharton School University of Pennsylvania

Work experience (some examples):

  • In 2017 I simultaneously interpreted during the Pan European Hyundai Dealer Convention (EN>IT, Madrid).
  • In 2016 I simultaneously interpreted BMW Group’s 100th anniversary conference (EN>ES, Los Angeles, California).
  • Between 2015 and 2016 I translated marketing material for the German company Shore Gmbh, as well as its own website (DE/EN > IT/ES).
  • Since 2016 I have been translating IT-related documents and websites for Ontecnia (EN/ES>IT).
  • Since 2016 I have been translating Ezebee’s websites and documents (EN/ES>IT).
  • In 2015 I interpreted twice in Mini‘s 2-day event for the launch of the new Mini Clubman (EN/DE > IT, Stockholm).
  • In 2015 I interpreted for BMW Motorrad for the launch of the new BMW C 650 Sport and C 650 GT (DE > IT, Valencia).
  • In 2015 I interpreted for Geox for the launch of the “Geox for Valemour” initiative (IT < > ES, Valencia).
  • In 2015 I interpreted in a 4-day event organised by Baxalta for the launch of the spin-off and its new products (EN > IT, Valencia).
  • In 2015 I interpreted a 3-day event organised by Asics (EN > IT, Alicante, Spain).
  • Between 2014 and 2015 I translated the website and some informative material of Restalia, Spanish holding company of Los 100 Montaditos, La Sureña and The Good Burger (ES > IT).
  • In 2014 I translated Los 100 montaditos‘ menu (ES > IT).
  • In 2012 I was the interpreter of Dr. Philip Kotler, father of marketing, at the World Business Forum 2012 (EN < > IT, Milan).
  • In 2012 I was interpreter of Dr. Philip Kotler during the ExpoManagement 2012 (EN < > ES, Madrid).
  • In 2011 I was the interpreter of Dr. B.J. Fogg at the Forum Mundial de Marketing 3.0 (EN < > ES, Madrid).
  • In the same year, I was also the interpreter of Dr. B.J. Fogg and Dr. Russell Buckley during the Special Management Program “Marketing Digitale” (EN < > IT, Milan).
  • Between January 2012 and December 2013 I worked as in-house and later freelance translator (DE > IT / ES / EN) for benuta GmbH, a textile and furniture company headquartered in Bonn (Germany). Apart from translating its website and content, I was also collaborating with marketing, e-marketing and graphics, supervising Italian and Spanish clients and partner companies, as well as coordinating affiliate marketing and search engine optimisation (SEO) for Italy and Spain.



  • The Law of the European Union: An Introduction – Universiteit Leiden
  • The Global Student’s Introduction to U.S. Law – University of Florida
  • Constitutional Law – Yale University
  • Introduction to International Criminal Law – Case Western Reserve University
  • English Common Law: Structure and Principles – University of London, International Programmes
  • Property and Liability – An Introduction to Law and Economics – Wesleyan University

 Work experience:

  • Since 2010, I have been translating a long list of contracts and legal material of any kind for several clients, constituting one of my main sources of translation-related work (DE/EN > IT/ES and ES < > IT). 
  • Furthermore, I manage translations and certified sworn translations in several languages.
  • I also interpret very frequently in legal situations, such as before a notary, in court, dealing cases with lawyers on behalf of foreign clients, etc.
  • In 2017 I managed a large project of legal translations for the Spanish bank, Bankia (ES>EN).
  • In 2017 I interpreted the interview offered to the Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano by José Grinda González —prosecutor handling corruption and organized crime in the Public Prosecutor’s Office— (IT<>ES, Madrid).



  • Financial Markets – Yale University
  • The Power of Microeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World – University of California, Irvine
  • The Power of Macroeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World – University of California, Irvine
  • Introduction to Neuroeconomics: how the brain makes decisions – Higher School of Economics
  • Introduction to Finance – University of Michigan
  • Economics of Money and Banking – Columbia University
  • Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics – University of Washington
  • Property and Liability – An Introduction to Law and Economics – Wesleyan University
  • Public Economics – Higher School of Economics
  • Introduction to Corporate Finance – Wharton School University of Pennsylvania
  • Understanding economic policymaking – IE Business School
  • Financial Engineering and Risk Management – Columbia University

Work experience (some examples):

  • A growing part of my business implies interpreting during negotiations, as well as managing the communication my clients have with potential partners.
  • In 2017 I managed a large project of legal translations for the Spanish bank, Bankia (ES>EN).
  • In 2017 I interpreted a business meeting for a AQ8 System, a company producing EMS devices (IT<>ES, Madrid).
  • In 2017 I interpreted a business meeting for the Spanish supermarket chain, Día (EN<>ES).
  • In 2017 I simultaneously interpreted the conference “19º Congreso AECOC de Frutas y Hortalizas” [19th conference on fruit and vegetables of the Spanish Association of Producers and Distributors, AECOC], where Lidl and Oscar Farinetti of Eataly also took part (ES<>IT, Valencia).
  • In 2017 I simultaneously interpreted during a business meeting of the Spanish biggest supermarket chain, Mercadona (ES<>IT, Valencia).
  • In 2017 I interpreted for supermarket chain Spar International during the Managing Director’s visit to Spar stores and his meeting with Grupo Upper (ES<>EN, Alicante and Murcia).
  • Since 2017 I have been the official interpreter for Intel Sports Group in Spain for the 360º video service they offer in the main Spanish football stadiums (Bernabéu and Wanda Metropolitano in Madrid, Camp Nou in Barcelona and Sánchez-Pizjuán in Seville).
  • In 2017 I interpreted in Alicante for the Italian leather-manufacturing company Athena Export during its internationalization process. I also manage the same interpreting project with local colleagues in Portugal, Poland, Germany and Czech Republic, as well as the multilingual communication with the new acquired clients on a daily basis (IT <> ES, IT, PT, PL, CZ, DE).
  • In 2016 I managed a translation and proofreading project in 18 EU languages, involving 36 linguists, for Signosis.
  • In 2016 I interpreted twice for the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) (EN<>IT, Madrid and Valencia).
  • In 2016 I managed the interpreting service for the business meeting of Scope Ratings AG (ES<>EN, Madrid).
  • In 2016 I interpreted during a business and financial meeting for Gerson Lehrman Group, Inc. (ES<>EN, Madrid).
  • In 2016 I interpreted in the 2-day-long business meeting of Lonrho Africa Holdings Ltd. (EN<>ES, Madrid).
  • Between 2015 and 2016 I interpreted and managed the daily multilingual business and legal communication for Toor Fresh Farm (ES<>EN).
  • Since 2015 I have been working for the German refrigeration company Govi GmbH, managing their daily communication with Spanish-speaking clients and translating technical documents in several languages (DE/EN>IT/ES and DE>EN).
  • In 2015 I interpreted in a 4-day event organised by Baxalta for the launch of the spin-off and its new products (EN > IT, Valencia).
  • In 2015 I interpreted the 3-day offsite meeting in Milan on the company Contourglobal, developer and operator of electric power and district heating businesses, (EN < > ES).
  • In 2015 I interpreted for the Spanish chain Lizarran (ES < > IT, Madrid).
  • In 2015 I interpreted a 3-day event organised by Asics (EN > IT, Alicante, Spain).
  • In 2014 I was the interpreter during the World Business Forum 2014 (EN < > IT, Milan).
  • In 2013 I was the interpreter of the Former Chancellor of Germany, Herr Gerhard Schröder, in his meeting with Banca Mediolanum and during the World Business Forum 2013 (DE < > IT, Milan).
  • In 2012 I was the interpreter during the World Business Forum 2012 (EN < > IT, Milan).
  • In 2012 I was the interpreter during the ExpoManagement 2012 (EN < > ES, Madrid).
  • In 2011 I was the interpreter during the Forum de Liderazgo y Gestión del Talento (EN < > ES, Madrid).
  • In 2011 I was the interpreter during the ExpoManagement 2011 (EN < > ES, Madrid).
  • In 2009 I was the interpreter during the World Business Forum 2011 (EN < > IT, Milan).
  • In 2009 I was the interpreter of Dr. Vijay Govindarajan during the World Business Forum 2009 (EN < > IT, Milan).

Big Data and IT

Work experience (some examples):

  • Since 2016 I have been working on a daily basis on Big Data-related multilingual translation projects for two main clients: Cloudera (EN, IT, ES, DE, FR, PT) and Denodo (EN, IT, ES, DE, FR, CZ, NL).
  • Since 2016 I have been translating IT-related documents and websites for Ontecnia (EN/ES>IT).
  • Since 2016 I have been translating Ezebee’s websites and documents (EN/ES>IT).
  • In 2016 I managed a 75,000-word multilingual-translation cybersecurity project with a 5-day turnaround for Intel and GOUTUDU S.L. (ES>EN + ES>PTBR).
  • Between 2015 and 2016 I translated marketing material for the German company Shore Gmbh, as well as its own website (DE/EN > IT/ES).
  • Since 2015 I have been translating for Sunrise, a Swiss telephone company.
  • Since 2015 I have been translating several documents on technology for 4Life (EN/ES > IT).
  • I have translated several Adwords and SEO-related projects for different clients.
  • I have been translating a long series of website about technology (eg. IT, camaras, mobiles, etc.)

I also have experience in the following fields:


Social media:

Between 2014 and 2017 I moderated the official pages of one of the world best-known social networks. This project involved translating official replies and providing weekly reports with community insights (EN, IT, ES).


  • In 2017 I interpreted the interview offered to the Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano by José Grinda González —prosecutor handling corruption and organized crime in the Public Prosecutor’s Office— (IT<>ES, Madrid).


  • In 2016 I interpreted for the journalist Gabriele del Grande during the presentation of his documentary “Io sto con la sposa” [On the Bride’s Side] (IT<>ES, Valencia).
  • In 2016 I interpreted for 3 days several interviews to patients, their families and healthcare staff regarding their Omnitrope treatment for growth hormone deficiency, within a Sandoz Biopharmaceuticals project managed by ICC Lowe Limited (EN < > ES, Murcia, Spain). Afterwards, I took care of the transcription and subtitling (EN, ES, DE) of those interviews.
  • In 2016 I managed a comprehensive language service —involving interpretation, transcription, translation and subtitling— for the German show “Mario Barth deckt auf” shooted in Madrid, with interviews to Spanish political parties for Constantin Entertainment GmbH (ES<>DE).
  • In 2016 I interpreted in Barcelona for 2 days for Oral B during the making of of their new TV ads (ES/EN<>IT).


Psychology, together with psychoanalysis and philosophy, has always been a field of deep personal interest. Since I was a teenager, I have been reading very much on this topic.

 Work experience (some examples):

  • In 2014 I was the interpreter of Simon Sinek during the World Business Forum 2014 (EN < > IT, Milan). Topic: leadership.
  • In 2011 I was the interpreter of Dr. Daniel Goleman during the World Business Forum 2011 (EN < > IT, Milan). Topic: emotional intelligence.
  • In 2011 I was the interpreter of Dr. Daniel Goleman during the ExpoManagement 2011 (EN < > ES, Madrid). Topic: emotional intelligence.
  • In the same year, I was also the interpreter of Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar at the Forum de Liderazgo y Gestión del Talento (EN < > ES, Madrid). Topic: positive psychology.


Work experience (some examples):

  • In 2017 I interpreted in Alicante for the Italian leather-manufacturing company Athena Export during its internationalization process. I also manage the same interpreting project with local colleagues in Portugal, Poland, Germany and Czech Republic, as well as the multilingual communication with the new acquired clients on a daily basis (IT <> ES, IT, PT, PL, CZ, DE).
  • Since 2015 I have been translating for Revée, specializing in post-surgical compressive garments, also coordinating translation and SEO projects in multiple languages (IT <> ES, EN, DE, FR).
  • In 2015 I interpreted for Geox for the launch of the “Geox for Valemour” initiative (IT < > ES, Valencia).
  • For two years, I worked as an in-house and later freelance translator for benuta GmbH, a textile e-commerce company headquartered in Bonn (Germany). benuta’s main products are rugs, together with furniture.

International affairs


  • Understanding Europe: Why It Matters and What It Can Offer You – HEC, Paris
  • The Law of the European Union: An Introduction – Universiteit Leiden
  • Specific modules on the European Union, United Nations, World Bank and International Monetary Fund during my studies

Work experience:

  • In 2013 I was the interpreter of the Former Chancellor of Germany, Herr Gerhard Schröder, in his meeting with Banca Mediolanum and during the World Business Forum 2013 (DE < > IT, Milan).


 Work experience (some examples):

  • In 2017 I interpreted a business meeting for the Spanish supermarket chain, Día (EN<>ES).
  • In 2017 I simultaneously interpreted the conference “19º Congreso AECOC de Frutas y Hortalizas” [19th conference on fruit and vegetables of the Spanish Association of Producers and Distributors, AECOC], where Lidl and Oscar Farinetti of Eataly also took part (ES<>IT, Valencia).
  • In 2017 I simultaneously interpreted during a business meeting of the Spanish biggest supermarket chain, Mercadona (ES<>IT, Valencia).
  • In 2017 I interpreted for the supermarket chain Spar International during the Managing Director’s visit to Spar stores and his meeting with Grupo Upper in Alicante and Murcia (ES<>EN).
  • Between 2015 and 2016 I interpreted for Pescados Luis Durá and managed its business communication with Italian clients (IT<>ES).
  • In 2016 I simultaneously interpreted the conference “II Jornada Técnica de la Uva de Mesa del Vinalopó” [Second Technical Conference on Table Grapes from Vinalopó] in Alicante (IT<>ES).
  • In 2015 I have interpreted in several occasions for the Spanish chain Lizarran, including an entire cooking course (ES < > IT, Madrid).
  • In 2014 I was the consecutive and liaison interpreter for Canuti Tradizione Italiana Srl during an event in Madrid including the company’s presentation and a testing session (IT < > ES).
  • In 2014 I translated the menu of the famous Spanish chain, Los 100 montaditos (ES > IT).


Literature has always been a key component during my studies. My high school in particular focused on humanities, which implied 5 years of Italian, English, Latin and Ancient Greek language and literature. Since then, I have kept nurturing this passion.

 Work experience (some examples):

  • In 2012 I translated into Italian for a private client the German book “Traum und Sinnestäuschung bei Aischylos, Sophokles, Euripides” [Dream and hallucination in Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides], Robert Lennig. Field: Greek literature.

Art and architecture

Work experience (some examples):

  • In 2014 and 2015 I translated several documents on architecture.

Medicine, pharmacy, dentistry

Work experience (some examples):

  • In 2017 I managed a translation project for the Spanish 3D/4D ultrasound company, Ecox (ES <> EN).
  • In 2016 I interpreted in Barcelona for 2 days for Oral B during the making of their new TV ads (ES/EN<>IT).
  • In 2016 I interpreted for iM3 Dental Ltd (EN<>ES, Madrid).
  • In 2016 I interpreted for 3 days several interviews to patients, their families and healthcare staff regarding their Omnitrope treatment for growth hormone deficiency, within a Sandoz Biopharmaceuticals project managed by ICC Lowe Limited (EN < > ES, Murcia, Spain). Afterwards, I took care of the transcription and subtitling (EN, ES, DE) of those interviews.
  • Since 2015 I have been translating for Revée, specializing in post-surgical compressive garments, also coordinating translation, proofreading and SEO projects in multiple languages (IT <> ES, EN, DE, FR).
  • Since 2015 I have been translating texts for large pharmaceutical companies, such as Novartis, AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, etc. (EN/DE > IT/ITCH).
  • In 2015 I interpreted in a 4-day event organised by Baxalta for the launch of the spin-off and its new products (EN > IT, Valencia).
  • Since 2014 I have taken care of the multilingual website for Invitam, a Spanish centre for assisted reproduction, creating its website with an IT partner and translating its contents (ES > IT, EN and FR).
  • In 2015 I translated the website of a Spanish clinic specialised in treatments against obesity.
  • Since 2015 I have been translating several documents on nutrition and health for 4Life (EN/ES > IT).
  • In 2014 I translated several confidential leaflets of veterinary drugs (DE > IT, 6.000 words).
  • In 2014 I translated an anamnesis questionnaire for umbilical cord blood donation for ERCB, Emilia Romagna Cord Blood, (IT > ES, 9 pages).
  • In two occasions, in 2014 and in 2013, I was the consecutive and liaison interpreter during ABR sessions for families whose children are affected by cerebral palsy, Madrid. (EN < > ES, 28 hours)

Development cooperation and social affairs

Work experience (some examples):

  • In 2017 I simultaneously interpreted during a meeting of the EU-funded project “Ephemeral Heritage of the European Carnival Rituals (Carnval)”, (DE/EN>IT<>ES, Valencia).
  • Since 2015 I have been working for Cooperativa l’Albero della Vita. In particular I translated for them a 60,000-word course for social educators, funded by the European Union.
  • In 2016 I interpreted for St. Monica Trust where they learned about a local social initiative they would like to implement in England (EN<>ES, Alicante).
  • In 2016 I interpreted for the journalist Gabriele del Grande during the presentation of his documentary “Io sto con la sposa” [On the Bride’s Side] (IT<>ES, Valencia).
  • In 2016 I simultaneously interpreted during a 2-day meeting of the European-funded education project “Jump @ school” (EN/ES<>IT, Valencia).
  • Since 2015 I have been translating several documents on development cooperation for 4Life (EN/ES > IT).
  • Since March 2014, I have been working as a translator for the NGO, Fundación Agua de Coco.

Research projects:

  • In the year 2010-2011, I took part in the research project RED INMIGRA P2007/HUM-­‐0475, financed by the Autonomic Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) and focused on the relationship between language and immigration.
  • In the year 2012-2013, I took part in the research project HUMANTERM, a collaborative platform for the creation and management of multilingual terminology in the humanitarian field.

Environment and energy

Work experience (some examples):

  • In 2016 I managed a translation and proofreading project in 18 EU languages, involving 36 linguists, for Signosis.
  • In 2015 I interpreted the conference of the European project WasteReuse (reuse of agricultural wastes as fertilizers) at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC, Murcia, Spain), (EN < > ES). I also organised the interpreting management of the conference.
  • In 2015 I interpreted the 3-day offsite meeting in Milan on the company Contourglobal, developer and operator of electric power and district heating businesses, (EN < > ES).


Work experience (some examples):

  • In 2017 I simultaneously interpreted during a meeting of the EU-funded project “Ephemeral Heritage of the European Carnival Rituals (Carnval)”, (DE/EN>IT<>ES, Valencia).
  • Since 2015 I’ve been teaching both simultaneous and consecutive interpreting before in the Spanish academy Trágora Formación and then within my own business.
  • In 2016 I worked for several months for Fluent in 3 Months on their new language books to learn Italian, Spanish and German, based on the method developed by its director Benny Lewis, famous YouTuber also known as “Irish Polyglot“. The project included translation, proofreading and adaptation tasks, as well as offering language tips, etc.
  • Since 2015 I have been working for Cooperativa l’Albero della Vita. In particular I translated for them a 60,000-word course for social educators, funded by the European Union.
  • In 2016 I simultaneously interpreted during a 2-day meeting of the European-funded education project “Jump @ school” (EN/ES<>IT, Valencia).
  • In 2013 I worked as a consecutive, liaison and whispered interpreter (EN < > ES) during the training course “Segundos pasos en la formación del formador de profesores” [Second steps in the training of teacher trainers] for Instituto Cervantes (EN < > ES, 20 hours, Madrid, Spain).
  • Since 2010 I have been translated a significant amount of documents on education for different clients.


 Work experience (some examples):

  • Between September 2012 and February 2013 I worked as an audiovisual translator for the Spanish company, multidesign, where I was responsible for film translation for dubbing and subtitling. I translated the following 5 films, 3 of which for the cinema (please click on the link to see the Spanish trailer):
    • films(EN > ES) “October baby“, starring Rachel Hendrix, Jason Burkey and Robert Amaya. Premiere: 12/04/2013.
    • (EN > ES) “The flowers of war” (” Las flores de la guerra“), starring Christian Bale. Premiere: 08/03/2013.
    • (EN > ES) “Hi, mom!” (“¡Hola, mamá!”), starring Robert de Niro.
    • (EN > ES) “Lady Ice” (“Fría como un diamante”), starring Donald Sutherland and Jennifer O’Neill.


Work experience (some examples):

  • In 2017 I translated texts for the CD “Pam Pam” of Quarteto Gordon (IT>EN).
  • In 2015 I translated some promotion material for the new album of the Italian singer Alessandra Amoroso (IT > ES).
  • In 2014 I translated some information material for Audiation Institute, an Italian music association (IT > ES).


Work experience (some examples):

  • In 2015 I interpreted a training course for haistyling specialised for the company Framesi (IT < > ES /EN, Madrid).
  • Since 2013 I have been translating and interpreting several haistyling-related documents for different customers.

Technique, automotive, engineering

Work experience (some examples):

  • Since 2017 I have been the official interpreter for Intel Sports Group in Spain for the 360º video service they offer in the main Spanish football stadiums (Bernabéu and Wanda Metropolitano in Madrid, Camp Nou in Barcelona and Sánchez-Pizjuán in Seville).
  • In 2017 I simultaneously interpreted during the Pan European Hyundai Dealer Convention (EN>IT, Madrid).
  •  In 2016 I simultaneously interpreted BMW Group’s 100th anniversary conference (EN>ES, Los Angeles, California).
  • In 2016 I interpreted a 4-day-long technical training course offered by the German company GreCon on how to use a spark-detection device (DE<>ES, Azpeitia, Basque Country, Spain).
  • In 2016 I interpreted during a technical training course on how to use an audiovisual-industry device for ILUMINATE, S.L. (ES<>IT, Madrid).
  • Since 2015 I have been working for the German refrigeration company Govi GmbH, managing their daily communication with Spanish-speaking clients and translating technical documents in several languages (DE/EN>IT/ES and DE>EN).
  • Since 2016 I have been translating technical projects (mainly engineering and arquitecture) for Técnica y Proyectos S.A. (EN/ES>IT and IT>ES).
  • In 2015 I interpreted twice in Mini‘s 2-day event for the launch of the new Mini Clubman (EN/DE > IT, Stockholm).
  • In 2015 I interpreted for BMW Motorrad for the launch of the new BMW C 650 Sport and C 650 GT (DE > IT, Valencia).
  • In 2015 I interpreted the 3-day offsite meeting in Milan on the company Contourglobal, developer and operator of electric power and district heating businesses, (EN < > ES).
  • In 2015 I translated several civil engineering projects about the construction of the Brenner base tunnel (IT < > ES).
  • In 2015 I translated technical documents for Govi GmbH (IT-EN-ES).
  • In 2015 I translated several engineering-related documents for Engineered Process Systems (EN > ES).
  • In 2013 I was the liaison interpreter for the Italian company Bertucci Tuning (EN < > IT, Madrid). Topic: car features.
  • In 2012 I was the liaison interpreter for the Italian company Deca SpA at the Internationale Eisenwarenmesse Köln [International Hardware Fair of Cologne] (IT < > EN / ES / DE, Cologne, Germany).


Further information about me


  • Intensive specialisation course in Conference Interpreting (DE > IT), Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany)


  • MA in Multidisciplinary Conference Interpreting (ES, EN, DE, IT), Universidad Europea de Valencia (UEV, Spain)
    • Specialisation in Law and Medicine
    • Dissertation: “Retour: the Big Gap between Interpreting for the Institutions or for the Spanish Private Market”


  • BA in Translation and Interpreting (ES, EN, DE), Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM, Spain)
    • Dissertation: “Note-taking in Consecutive Interpreting: from Theory to Beginners’ Praxis” – Magna cum laude and best dissertation of the translation department
    • Mehrsprachige Kommunikation [Translation and Interpreting] (ES, EN, DE), Fachhochschule Köln (Cologne, Germany) – Erasmus Programme (1 year)
    • Research project RED INMIGRA P2007/HUM-­‐0475, financed by the Autonomic Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) and focused on the relationship between language and immigration
    • Research project HUMANTERM, a collaborative platform for the creation and management of multilingual terminology in the humanitarian field


  • High school (focused on humanities) Liceo Classico C. Rinaldini (Ancona, Italy)
    • Final exam paper: “Dibattito etico sull’eutanasia” [Ethical debate on euthanasia] – Score: 100/100


Prizes and scholarships

  • Scholarship TOP (Talented Outstanding People, UEM)
  • Scholarship of Excellence – Autonomous Community of Madrid (3 years)
  • Scholarship of Excellent Students (UEM) (3 years)
  • Leonardo da Vinci Programme (EU)
  • Erasmus (EU)

My conferences and workshops

  • “The ideal world of direct clients: learn how to work less, under better conditions, while making more money”, talk at IAPTI International Conference (Valencia, 2018)
  • “Terminologando: soluciones útiles para intérpretes y no solo” [Useful terminology solutions for interpreters and not only], lecture at Universidad Europea de Valencia (2015)
  • “Terminologando: soluciones útiles para intérpretes” [Useful terminology solutions for interpreters], Valenguando (Lenguando Valencia, 2015)
  • “Mercado institucional vs. mercado privado: interpreters, please mind the gap” [Institutional market vs. private market: interpreters, please mind the gap], Eneti (Translation and Interpreting Students National Meeting), Alicante, Spain (2015)
  • “Cuida tu imagen internacional, cuida tus palabras” [Take care of your international image, take care of your words], Chamber of Commerce of Alicante (Spain, 2015)
  • “La importancia de la comunicación y la traducción en el proceso de internacionalización” [The importance of communication and translation in the internationalisation process], AlicanteGlobal (2014)
  • “Los ‘jeroglíficos’ para la interpretación consecutiva” [‘Hieroglyphics’ for consecutive interpreting], workshop on note-taking. Tradua, Universidad de Alicante (Spain, 2014)


I firmly believe in CPD (Continuing professional development). For this reason I attended the following courses:

  • Constitutional Law – Yale University
  • Financial Markets – Yale University
  • The Power of Microeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World – University of California, Irvine
  • The Power of Macroeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World – University of California, Irvine
  • Introduction to Neuroeconomics: how the brain makes decisions – Higher School of Economics
  • Understanding Europe: Why It Matters and What It Can Offer You – HEC, Paris
  • Introduction to Finance – University of Michigan
  • The Law of the European Union: An Introduction – Universiteit Leiden
  • English Common Law: Structure and Principles – University of London, International Programmes
  • Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity, Standford University
  • An Introduction to Marketing – Wharton School University of Pennsylvania
  • Economics of Money and Banking – Columbia University
  • Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics – University of Washington
  • Property and Liability- An Introducti​on to Law and Economics – Wesleyan University
  • Public Economics – Higher School of Economics
  • Introduction to Corporate Finance – Wharton School University of Pennsylvania
  • Introduction to International Criminal Law – Case Western Reserve University
  • Understanding economic policymaking – IE Business School
  • Financial Engineering and Risk Management – Columbia University
  • The Global Student’s Introduction to U.S. Law – University of Florida
I also attended countless translation- and interpreting-related conferences, workshops and webinars, among which:
  • WISE Interpreting workshops (2018)
  • WISE Interpreting workshops (2016)
  • WISE Interpreting workshops (2015)
  • Lenguante Murcia (2014)
  • Tradua, Universidad de Alicante (2014) – I offered a workshop on note-taking for consecutive interpreting
  •’s 2014 virtual conference for International Translation Day
  • Lenguando Madrid (2014)
  • International Conference on Economic, Business, Financial and Institutional Translation, Universidad de Alicante (2014)
  • Translational Hermeneutics, series of courses and workshops, Fachhochschule Köln (Germany, 2012)
  • “Escribir y traducir en el espacio ibérico” [Writing and translating for the Iberian area), series of conferences offered by Instituto Cervantes (2011)

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