
Archive | Interpreting

TradUA: las III Jornadas del Día del Traductor


Con ocasión del Día del Traductor (30 de septiembre, San Jerónimo), del 1 al 3 de octubre se celebraron en la Universidad de Alicante las III Jornadas del Día del Traductor. Aquí tenéis el programa: ¿De qué nos hablaron los ponentes? Seleccionad la charla de vuestro interés para ver el vídeo o la información correspondiente. […]

The speaker and the interpreter: independent players or teammates?

speaking fast

In the post English or my mother tongue at a multilingual conference? we saw why it’s in your best interests to speak in your mother tongue at a multilingual event, provided that you’re given this possibility thanks to an interpreting service. Once you’ve decided to do so, there is another issue you should consider: are interpreters independent players (you deliver […]

English or my mother tongue at a multilingual conference?

relaxing cup of cafe con leche ana botella

Thanks to the globalised world we live in, there are more and more multilingual conferences. Sometimes due to a tight budget, English is used as a lingua franca and those speakers not able to deliver their speech in English magically disappear from the programme. Yet, more professional and international conferences include multilingualism in the package. Unfortunately, both […]

Retour problems

retour interpreting

In a previous post, Language combination and the retour debate in interpreting, we talked about what retour is and the debate related to it (you may want to have a look at it before reading this more specific post). Again, retour is the interpretation from the A language into a B language. Despite me personally having nothing against retour, in […]

Alicante’s “First International Conference of Economic, Business, Financial and Institutional Translation”

Alicante economic translation

The University of Alicante hosted from 29th to 31st May (2014) the “First International Conference of Economic, Business, Financial and Institutional Translation“, which I had the pleasure to attend. You can see the programme here. I must admit the conference turned out to be far more academic and research-oriented than I might have thought, but still very interesting. In […]

In the head of bilinguals and interpreters: neurolinguistic aspects


A topic that has always captured my interest from a very young age is the neurolinguistic perspective of bilingualism and interpreting, in other words, how does our brain work in order to make such a “magic” possible? The person that, years ago, answered my question in the most complete way is Laura Gran (1999, 1992), interpreter […]

Lenguando (II)


Los lenguantes acabamos de despedirnos después del segundo y último día (30/03/2014) de Lenguando (“jornadas donde profesionales de la lengua encuentran recursos para su trabajo y comparten sus ideas”, según la propia definición del evento”). Los talleres en los que participé hoy fueron los siguientes (haz clic en el que te interese): Personalmente, salí encantadísima de estas […]

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